د. Helene Abyad
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
I am a Lebanese Chest physician who received her diploma in internal medicine and and pulmonary diseases at the Lebanese University of Medical Sciences. I supplemented my training course of pulmonary diseases at the hospital Louis Pradel - Lyon - France, (a research center in rare lung pathologies called Orphan diseases). I deal with all pulmonary diseases of infectious and allergic origins, asthma, secondary diseases to the nicotinism (COPD) and mainly the rara interstitial pulmonary diseases known as Orphan diseases.
I am a professor at the Holy Family University and the Lebanese University .
I am affiliated to Levant Hospital Sin El Fil, Najjar- Hamra, Wardieh-Jemayzeh.
Private clinic: City clinics - HSBC building- Hamra street.
تفاصيل عن التخصص
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
الإختصاص الفرعي
General Pulmunology
مصالح الطبية
Asthma - Allergies - COPD(lung diseases due to smoking) - Lung infections and Orphan diseases (rare lung diseases)
التاريخ العملي والتعيينات في الهيئات التدريسية
- حتى الأن
Private Practice
Hamra, Private Clinic
Beirut, لبنان
- حتى الأن
Lung Specialist
Pulmonology, Bellevue Medical Center
Beirut, لبنان
انتماء للمستشفيات
Levant Hospital
التعليم والتدريب
Residency, University of Louis Pradel - Lyon
عام 2002
دكتور في الطب, Lebanese University
حول د. Helene Abyad
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية في Levant Hospital
حصل على شهادة طب من Lebanese University
Beirut, لبنان