د. Hanaa Itani
طب النساء والتوليد
This is my second child i was wondering can i take birth control pills while breastfeeeding ..and what are other procedures for birth controlling ?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- It depends on how old is your baby and if you are exclusively breastfeeding or not. To answer your question it's ok to take contraceptive pills while breastfeeding. The other option you have is intrau... إقرأ أكثر
I gave birth 2 months ago. Getting really dizzy when I sit or get up. It feels like the world turns around. Is this anemia or vertigo?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- It might be due to anemia especially if you lost blood during delivery or it might be secondary to lack of sleep and getting tired which are common if you have a 2 months old baby. Contact your doctor... إقرأ أكثر
Who should I consult if I have Vaginismus? I consulted a sexologist, should I also see a gynecologist?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- Usually you have to see a gynecologist first to rule out other conditions and then refer you to a sexologist. It's a good idea to consult a gynecologist but it depends on what you really want. Gynecol... إقرأ أكثر
Im taking microgynon n im finished3days ago and i starting to hav spoting like dirty dust color sometimes soo block.is this my montly period is this normal..and why s it like this color.do i worry?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- Don't worry. This is your menstrual cycle. Usually it gets lighter after taking pills
Is there a way I can push the period one or two days later? Old sayings say that by taking panadol or showering or eating lemon I can get my period a little later. Is that true?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- Yes u can shift your period few days but you have to start progesterone pills one week before your expected cycle and continue them as long as you desire to push your period. Nothing do the things you... إقرأ أكثر
Ta5or el dawra el shahri 3n mw3da 4 days dalylil 7aml?? Hyee mntzami t2arrybn shar el ejt 26/3then 26/4 then 24/5..so this month m ajt 24 ymkn 7ml??
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- You have to do a pregnancy test and see. First thing we think of is pregnancy but other causes are possible too
I recently lost my virginity. The next day I noticed a piece of skin hanging out of my vagina. What is it exactly? Should I be worried?
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- This piece can be the remnant of the hymen.. There is nothing to worry about but it's better to visit your gynecologists. Sometimes it needs to be removed by a simple procedure done in the clinic
I'm travelling for 2 weeks, should I start them this month after my current period & stop them 1 week before I travel so I'll have my period sooner? At least skip the first days before the flight.
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- It's better you consult your gynecologist to explain exactly when you should expect your menses and when is your flight date. You have more than one option.
Is there a natural way to get my period a couple of days earlier? If not, is it advised to take pills and what sort? My periods are regular and my next one will be exactly the first day I'm traveling.
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- If you are not traveling for a long time, you can delay your cycle using progesterone pills. Usually, they are started around 7 days before your expected cycle and continued for 2-3 weeks.
Can i do laser hair removal during pregnancy i am 5 month pregnant
د. Hanaa Itani,
طب النساء والتوليد
- There are no enough studies about safety of laser hair removal on fetus so I would advice you to avoid laser during pregnancy
حول د. Hanaa Itani
حصل على شهادة طب من American University of Beirut University Medical Center
Beirut, لبنان