I've been exposed to undigital panoramic xray & repeated it 5 times at the same time due to an unprofessional staff! Are there harmful side effects?
2 إجابة
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- Five dental (panoramic) X-rays expose you to a total of 0.05 msv (0.01 msv per a single panoramic x-ray). This amount of ionizing radiation confers a risk of cancer of approximately 0.000577%, which i... إقرأ أكثر
Tendinopathie preinsertionelle du tibial poaterieur sans sign de rupture discrer infiltrarion oedemateuse du versant medial du talus non specifique pouvant etre contusionelle. Plz what does it show
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- This is an X-ray of the ankle joint and foot showing signs of a tendinopathy (abnormal changes of the tendon, a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone) before it ... إقرأ أكثر
And how can someone know he has osteoarthritis or arthrose? and what are the causes?
د. Ziad Tannous,
جراحة العظام
- the diagnosis is mainly done by regular plain x rays . but in young patients usually there is a major cause behind the occurrence of osteoarthritis ( and the list is long ! )
Is it safe to have a biopsy for suspected breast cancer with The help of a needle in the X-Ray room?
د. Fadi Abbas,
طب الأورام وأمراض الدم
- it is a tru-cut biopsy or core needle biopsy under local anesthesia. 100% safe and routine procedure . Just stop aspirin or other anti-coagulant 1 week before the procedure