زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Warts did not appear again. How can I know if the virus is gone?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - You cannot, as the virus will not travel through blood, it can remain dormant. If you don't have any lesion, we can say that you are almost cured.
I was diagnosed with HPV in October & had removed the warts through laser. My pap smear came clean no HPV in my cervix. Does that mean I am HPV free?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - you said that you removed your warts with ''laser'', i.e you had them on the vulva,the pap smear can detect abnormalities related to HPV in the cervix, HPV in cervix ( HPV  is d16-18 ) is differe... إقرأ أكثر
What's treatment for a spastic hemiplegia due to a tuberculous meningitis ?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Hemiplegia, usually a sequel of a brain injury, manifests as a number of physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects: §  Memory – Difficulty with encoding, storing, and retrieving new ... إقرأ أكثر
What's tretment for a spastic hemiplegia due to a tuberculous meningitis dating from 2003?
د. Elie Salem, طب الأطفال - Treatment is mostly physiotherapy. In USA they are doing partial rhizotomy for CP patients and it is quite promising 
Male, 42y Cold & fever since a week. Today feeling: Dizziness, nausea, sickness (vomit feeling), neck spasm, no fever from 3 days. Afraid of Meninges.
د. Karim Farah, طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية - what you are describing are symptoms of viral infection specially the influenza virus which is associated with flu symptoms, nausea vomiting,high grade fever, muscle and bony ache and feeling tired. v... إقرأ أكثر
What is the cause of viral meningitis? where do we get this?
2 إجابة
د. Rania Mousa, الطب العام - Viral meningitis can affect anyone. But infants younger than 1 month old and people whose immune systems are weak are at higher risk for severe infection. If you are around someone with viral meningit... إقرأ أكثر
My son has fever and complain that his leg is painfull ,and then after a 2 days he vomit at night .is virus affect stomach and leg
د. Rania Mousa, الطب العام - Your son seems probably to complain of gastroenteritis since he suffers from fever and vomiting and he may progress in the coming hours or a day after from diarrhea or not . Viral gastroenteritis is... إقرأ أكثر
What is a viral infection? What is the treatment for it?
د. Salim Saab, طب الأذن والحنجرة - It is an infection due to a virus.
I feel dizzy, I have a cold and I don't have any strength. I feel pain in my diaphragm and I feel like I want to vomit. I also feel so tired, what can I do?
د. Salim Saab, طب الأذن والحنجرة - It seems that you have a viral infection which is giving you all these symptoms. Take a symptomatic treatment for a few days.