What are the foods to avoid if i have high triglyceride
2 إجابة
د. Rania Mousa,
الطب العام
- You can make diet and lifestyle changes to help lower your levels.
1-Stay at a healthy weight,even when lowering your weight 1 kg it will make a difference in triglyceride levels
2-Limit fats
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My dad has high blood pressure, elevated Creatine, diabetes and triglycerides. He's been following a diet but faints a lot. What specialty should we look for to find him the proper doc for a diet?
د. Karim Farah,
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
- his fainting could be of several causes. it could be due to his medications whether the anti-hypertnesive or anti-diabetic. or could be form high blood pressure or high sugar or his bad diet.
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Why does mom feel extremely sleepy after breakfast? It's been always like this
د. Ziad Mansour,
جراحة القفص الصّدري
- High Triglyceride blood levels might do that.
She can have it also even if triglyceride blood level is normal.