Can bone resorption happen if you didn't loose teeth?
2 إجابة
د. Michel Karam,
الأمراض الجلدية
- Yes, bone resorption can happen. Periodontitis involves progressive loss of" title="Alveolar bone" class="mw-redirect" style="text-decoration: none; col... إقرأ أكثر
Dr. Zakia: how many times per day should a 2 years old boy brush his teeth using a toothpaste containing 500ppm of fluoride. Can he use the toothpaste more than once daily? Thank you
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), once teeth erupt it is recommended that children have their teeth brushed twice a day. For children under the age of 2 years determined to be at ... إقرأ أكثر