I have big nasal tip(arnabet l monkhar),if i want to have a rhinoplasty,can it be done by laser?with part anas.?and what things i may face after the surgery? And approximitly about the cost?
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- Rhinoplasty is a complex procedures where your plastic surgeon try to achieve balance and harmony in different part of your nose, and with the rest of your face.Sometimes doing a tip surgery alone mig... إقرأ أكثر
Hola i got rhinoplasty one month ago now i saw that there is a pimple inside me nose very close to the place where the stitches were and it can be seen very clear what is that
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- It is most of the time a granulomatous reaction which is a reaction of your your mucosa (inner nose layer) to the material of the suture. It usually settles by itself. If it doesn't, seek the adv... إقرأ أكثر
Depuis un mois j ai fais une chirurgie plastique de mon nez et depuis 2 semaines quand je parles je sens un mauvais gout dans ma bouche. est ce qu ils sont liee? Solution?
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- Le nez est le véritable organe du goût. Des troubles du goût avec des impressions de mauvais goût dans la bouche peuvent survenir après chirurgie nasale. Les lavages fr... إقرأ أكثر
Have done rhinoplasty took off the hump 2 weeks ago i was cleaning my nose and i accidentally pulled a stitch out of my nose it was painful a bit and after i had pain did i ruin the outcome of it?
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- You probably removed internal stitches that were meant to dissolve by themselves between 2 and 3 weeks. You did that at 2 weeks and probably the stitch wasn't very strong anymore. These stitches ... إقرأ أكثر
Yes im having pain i couldn't sleep on any side yesterday my dr isn't here she is abroad and i notice bit swelling and also i couldn't find one of the stitches i did the surgery on 18/9/2014
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- Pain, swelling, redness, fever, nasal discharge that were not present previously and appeared secondarily after a rhinoplasty should rule out any ongoing infection. This is a rare situation and its t... إقرأ أكثر
Kindly i did rhinoplasty 2 weeks ago the stitches inside still there but i noticed redness inside my nose and burning why
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- The internal stitches dissolve around 3 weeks. You should be doing gentle nasal washing whith normal saline min 3 times a day to keep your nasal airways clean. Localised redness around the stitches is... إقرأ أكثر
How long normally i should put the plasters on my nose after rhinoplasty?
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- Depending on the type of surgery you had (open vs closed rhinoplasty) and depending on the related post operative sweelling and the type of skin (thick vs thin) your plastic surgeon will advise you to... إقرأ أكثر
What if I have fever? The color of discharge is transparent which means there aren't any infections yet.
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- A small fever alone is not worrying. It is a combination of symptoms where you have a discharge with sole swelling and unusual pain in the nose and mucosa. In that case you should seek the advice of y... إقرأ أكثر
I did Rhinoplasty week ago and i there is still stitches inside my nose and i think i have flue now and i'm sneezing a lot and i have drippy nose what should i take to make it stop
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- The stitches inside your nose will go by themselves. A week after rhinoplasty what you mainly need is keep your nose clean using normal salin (Sinomarin, or any salted water spray) regularly. Take som... إقرأ أكثر