Hello Doctors. My mother has 60 years old, She has Rheumatologists and all her body swollen , She went to five Doctors specialists rheumatism, but without any benefit, thank you.
2 إجابة
د. Rania Mousa,
الطب العام
- Swelling is typically the result of inflammation or a buildup of fluid. Swelling can occur internally (within the body) or it can affect your outer skin and muscles. A range of conditions can cause sw... إقرأ أكثر
Im 26 girl has shevering body especially hands from time to time. bones pain especially joints and slight dizziness. i checked up doctor diagnosis rheumatism i took the medicines n not feeling better
د. Rania Mousa,
الطب العام
- Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition. Symptoms develop gradually and may include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. The condition can affect many tissues throughout the body, but... إقرأ أكثر
After blood tests, I ruled out rheumatoid arthritis& some other conditions. but after taking many medicines, the pain is always here. my physiotherapist says it's from bad posture &lack of exercice.??
د. Rania Mousa,
الطب العام
- Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition. Symptoms develop gradually and may include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. The condition can affect many tissues throughout the body, but... إقرأ أكثر
I always have a cold,it barely goes during the year.Blood test showed high ASO.A Dr diagnosed me with rhuematism&prescibed ospen.Should i be worried from rheumatism at my age and is it related to cold
د. Jihad Irani,
طب الأسرة
- "Rheumatism" is a broad term; even though, the ASO is usually not helpful, and often misleading. If you have "cold symptoms" all the time, it's usually from allergies. I would... إقرأ أكثر
Dr. Jihad Irani, I meant rheumatism, Where do you look in a blood test to see if the patient has it? and what are the numbers (or range of numbers) validating that rheumatism is there? thank you
د. Jihad Irani,
طب الأسرة
- You may be meaning rheumatoid arthritis. Some blood test can HELP in establishing the diagnosis (like RF, Anti-CCP, etc.) but they are not enough. The whole clinical presentation counts (what joints a... إقرأ أكثر
Why do they say that rheumatism causes heart disease or problems? Is it true?
د. Salim Saab,
طب الأذن والحنجرة
- Rheumatism could cause heart disease (valvular disease) which is caused by streptoccocus hemolytic B, the immune complex Antibody-Antigen could be deposited on the heart's valve which would harm ... إقرأ أكثر
Can hemophilia cause arthritis symptoms?
د. Salim Saab,
طب الأذن والحنجرة
- Yes, hemophilia can cause athritic symptoms, due to recurrent hemorrhage in the articulation which will impair the cartilage's function.
I am 26 and I have pain in all my body, especially in my back and my shoulder and told me Dr. that I have some kind of rheumatism and gave me medicine but from time to time returned Ache
د. Faek Jamali,
- What you are describing is not uncommon. Several rheumatological conditions such as fibromylagia may cause the symptoms you are describing. unfortunately, these conditions tend to be lifelong conditio... إقرأ أكثر
I'm a 22 year old male having pain in all my joints ( neck, elbows, knees, shoulders, wrists, uper back) . This pain is depriving me from good sleep and Causing stress! Please give me some solutions?
د. Rachad Zayni,
جراحة العظام
- You are suffering from a polyarthalgia, i mean pain in several articulations of the body. It can be a simple reaction to a flu or sometimes, these symptoms may be the manifestations of a rheumatic dis... إقرأ أكثر