زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Eye infection: red eye with pain and sensitivity to light. Systane and erythromicyne used for 2 dats but no change. What to do?
د. Pierre Mardelli, طب العيون - An ophthalmologist should check your eyes to give you a proper treatment. For now stop using these drops.
My eyes have been red for 2 weeks, i have stopped wearing make-up and stopped putting anything around the eye area. What does this mean and what shall i do to get rid of it?
2 إجابة
د. Salim Saab, طب الأذن والحنجرة - red eye has several causes and depends othe site of redness you can use antibiotic drops use cold packs wear solar glasses if no improvment see ophtalmo
Can opti-free express solution cause allergic reaction (red eyes)? when i stop wearing lenses it goes away after 2 days. Should i try biomedics or visit doctor. I have been wearing lenses for 8 years
د. Salem Abu Alghanam, طب العيون - different solutions had different ingredients so some may cause allergic conditions. and visiting your doctor is advised
Red eye after wearing contact lenses for long time. It has been 2 days stopping it is still red is this dangerous? When do i really have to seek ophtalmologist? i am in france and it is difficult
3 إجابة
د. Ivana Dabaj, طب الأطفال والأمراض العصبية - try first to use artificial tears(normal saline) to clean the eye. If it is only redness it could be simple irritation. if there is discharge(secretions) that means there is infection. However you nee... إقرأ أكثر
Hi, i have a prob in my eyes form years that at night my eyes get red and burns and my vision became weak what it could cause that , thanks
د. Pierre Mardelli, طب العيون - You should be checked by an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). Regards, Pierre G. Mardelli
My mother had from time to time red eyes she start scratching hard, bad respiration, cough and she disapire after Panadol. She didn't have this before. Can u give me an explication?
2 إجابة
د. Youssef Haddad, طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية - From your description i think your mother has allergic symptoms that is allergic conjonctivitis and asthma if the symptoms are relapsing and especially if they occur after exposure to allergens.She ne... إقرأ أكثر
Hi i have sometimes the feel of burn in my eyes and sometimes they turn red or it feels like my eyes are in high temperature , should i be concerned? thanks in advance
د. Pierre Mardelli, طب العيون - The burning sensation can be due to dry eyes. I recommend starting on warm compresses of your eyelids. This will help soften the plugged oil glands of your eyelids. If it has been ongoing for a few mo... إقرأ أكثر
Most times I have redness in the eyes, its not seasonally redness according to weather but it increase by sometimes of the year, also one of the eyes get red more than the other with no pain.
2 إجابة
د. Marwan Kaedbey, طب العيون - Red eye is a general symptom for dozens of eye diseases . You to start somewhere, change your shampoo , wear sunglasses , put eye lubricant and check your vision Any way , you have to visit your opht... إقرأ أكثر