Malignant is cancer ? if Gallbladder removed can i return back? PEP taken 3 months ago can it cause polyp? Can it be mistakenly detected by ecography as polyp or it can be a stone? what are chances?
د. Ghassan Nawfal,
- Malignant means cancerous. It is unlikely at your age but we usually prefer to remove gallbladders with polyps greater than 1cm, especially if they are accompanied by stones in the gallbladder.
What is small sessile polyp and the risk of these type of polyp.
د. Sara Hassan,
الطب العام
- A polyp is usually defined an abnormal growth. It can be pedunculated (hanging from a stalk) or sessile, meaning it simply "sits" there. Malignancy Risk of the polyp depends on many factors... إقرأ أكثر