I have a lot of red visible veins and blue spots in my eyes and i have trouble seeing at night. I also have dark spots under them What does this mean?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- this could be naves, or signs of high pressure , advised to be seen by your doctor for further assessment.
When I lift up my top eyelid on the left eye and look left, I can see a beige/yellowish area in the top right corner. What is it?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- These could be some eye vessels, and sometimes they can be a sort of nevus.
I have a problem of developing puffy eyelids whenever I cry.The swelling starts in the outer corner of my eyes). It is also accompanied by itchiness.
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- some antihistamine tablets can help ,
Recurring stye on eyelid.taking warm compresses and toba drops.please suggest precaution to stop recurrance of stye on eyelid
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- good lid hygiene as wipe the lid with massage and worm compressor can prevent
I did Lasik surgery 7 days ago. Yesterday, a football hit my eye, a hard shock. My vision in this eye got blurred. What to do?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- you need to see your doctor urgently as it can be flap problem or eye trauma
Hi, My eyelids are very dark and scaly. I tried many creams but none of them work, recently I started applying cortisone cream, will this help?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- some cases similar to your problem, could be blepharitis .which lid hygiene can be effective as baby shampoo in water and wipe your lids, eye lid wipes are available now ... إقرأ أكثر
I had a cataract surgery with complications. My IOP was 35 and I had pigmentary dispersion. My IOP is now stable 14. Will the blurriness recede?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- if the optic nerve had some damage ,this blurriness will stay .but if it from the complication its will decrease with time
My eyesight is blurry and my optic nerve is damaged. Will it improve after I'm treated for glaucoma knowing that I had cataract surgery
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- damage to the optic nerve is permanent,but some vision improvement can be gained after cataract surgery .
When I went for my eye examination, the doctor said that my sight is good and I don't have any eye problems or vision weakness. This only happens to my right eye and not the left one.
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- You need to check your retina for any problems.