I got a nail pricked in my foot before 10 days, i cleaned the wound with Dettol,Still there is pain in the area, what should i do now for his?
2 إجابة
د. Ghassan Nawfal,
- Whenever a foreign object injures the skin, care must be taken to avoid infection and to take a tetanus shot within 24 hrs of the injury, especially if the object is metallic and rusty. Your pain now ... إقرأ أكثر
Hello I have my Toe nail ripped partially
Will it grow again normaly?
Must take it off or leave it ?
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- if the toe matrix is preserved, your toe will grow again. normally or not ? this depends on the extent of injury your toe sustained. no need to take it off (if it is not bothering you ), it will peal ... إقرأ أكثر