زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Ella one caused me bleeding i took orgametryl to stop after it my period occurred when i finished after two days the bleeding occured again
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - it is normal to have bleeding after finishing orgametril, like period-i recommend to see your doctor -to be on the safe side- for potential ultrasound or pregnancy test..
I took ellaone 3 days after intercourse (2 days before ovulation). Will i get my period as due or earlier? Whats supposed to happen now? Thank you
د. Bassem Skaff, طب النساء والتوليد - The pills might also cause your next period to come early or late. If late i suggest you perform a urine pregnancy test just to lake sure ..... إقرأ أكثر
Assuming she's not a virgin & I ejaculated inside, would a morning-after pill surely prevent pregnancy? Can she stop worrying about getting pregnant?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - it can be used with 5d , and it will protect against pregnancy, but there are no 100 % efficacy as it is the same with all contraception methods..& yes she should stop thinking about pregnancy..... إقرأ أكثر
Are there any serious side effects of the morning after pill?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - Nausea , vomiting, headache...those are reported basically...
I took 3 HPTs and they were all negative. I haven't had a period in 6 weeks. I did have a 3 day period a week after my last period because I took Plan B. But I haven't had one since then. Normal?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - You should do an ultrasound , Plan B contains high hormonal preparation that can delay your period , but not for 6w.. Consult your Gyn ...
How can the morning after pill be used to manage period?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - You mean to prevent pregnancy You should use it within 72h after unprotected intercourse
After how many days can a girl still take the abortion pill? And is it dangerous to the girl?
د. Christelle Abboud, طب النساء والتوليد - if you're talking about the morning after pill, you have three days after the risk intercourse, to take it, but efficacy diminishes as the days pass: it has an efficacy of 70% when taken on day 3... إقرأ أكثر