زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Is it normal to have a period lighter than usual after Orgametril?
د. Alain Saab, طب النساء والتوليد - Yes, of course. It's a medicine that decreases the endometrium thickness with time, so periods become less heavy. But it's not used much anymore. Newer and natural progesterone drugs are better.
I had sex three weeks ago and I just got my period. The flow is very light. I woke up and the pad barely had a spot of blood. Could I be pregnant?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - We cannot tell for sure unless you take a home-based pregnancy test.
My period is extremely light and I have seen some hair grow on my chin could this be high levels of estrogen?
2 إجابة
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Hair growth in unusual areas of the body generally indicates an excess in androgens, or male hormones, not elevated estrogen.