But why is my abdomen so big? I am very health conscious, I don't eat fat or extra carbs, my legs are very thin but my tummy is 35 inch big.
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- I think you need to be inspected by a physician in order to rule out hormonal disturbances, otherwise I do not see a problem beyond some sports.
Dear dr salim saab, i had miscarriage once then had another normal pregnancy.dr said better take duphaston this time,it will help maintain healthy pregnancy.is it bad to take it?what does it do?
د. Salim Saab,
طب الأذن والحنجرة
- No, it's not bad to take it, your doctor prescribing you duphaston would indicate him taking precautions (of course knowing that the cause of the miscarriage was a hormonal problem (there are oth... إقرأ أكثر
Do man PMS like woman, "mood swings", is it caused also by a hormonal change ?
د. Bernard Hojaili,
طب الأمراض المفصليّة
- PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. Unless your man menstruates he should not have this PMS. Men do drop their male hormone levels gradually with time but the changes are so insidious and you do not... إقرأ أكثر