زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
How to remove breast hair?
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - We should first treat the reason for having this hair growth, as even if you removed them, they will recur or new hair will grow. One of the main causes is hormonal imbalance; that can be determined b... إقرأ أكثر
My period is extremely light and I have seen some hair grow on my chin could this be high levels of estrogen?
2 إجابة
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Hair growth in unusual areas of the body generally indicates an excess in androgens, or male hormones, not elevated estrogen.
But I have done a hormonal blood test and the results were normal after I took meds for my low iron and high prolactin.
د. Nemer Charafeddine, طب النساء والتوليد - You should do a pelvic ultrasound. It depends on which hormones you did a test for. If medical treatment did not work, and you do have polycystic ovarian syndrome, so we do ovarian driling by laparosc... إقرأ أكثر