My father has glaucoma. He wasn’t born with it, he just discovered it 1 year ago. Am I at risk of it? Is it hereditary?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- A family history of glaucoma, whether present at birth or acquired later in life, is a risk factor for glaucoma. It is important for you to have regular eye exams, and to convey your family history to... إقرأ أكثر
What are the side effects for Lasik surgery? Is there a possibility that it causes cancer on the long term or to do the cataract surgery on the long term too? What are the side effects
2 إجابة
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- No. It does not cause cancer, and is not related to Cataracts. Side effects are rare, mostly dryness in the first period following the surgery.
Pierre G. Mardelli