I think I'm developing a Bunion on my feet, what should I do?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- A bunion (scientific name hallux valgus or hallux abducto valgus) is a bump on the side of the big toe. If the joint that connects your big toe to your foot has a swollen, sore bump, you may have a bu... إقرأ أكثر
I have cracks in my two little toes in both feet when I put Mercure au chrome medication the cracks in one of my toes were gone. Some times they hurt, is it fungi? or it can be due to something else
د. Rola Al Dhaybi,
الأمراض الجلدية
- There are different skin problems that can cause cracking of the skin such as eczema, fungal infection, psoriasis... The treatment of each is different from the other so if the problem is really bothe... إقرأ أكثر