After I shave my legs whether by a razor or an epilator I often get folliculitis. How can I avoid that? are antibiotics necessary to eliminate them?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- It s better to Have a bacterial culture done by a Dermatologist next Time to make Sure you dont Have à staphylococcal issue. Try disposable rasors or stetilize your epilator and disinfect your skin be... إقرأ أكثر
What is best for hair removal? IPL or LASER? Note that the skin is white to ivory with black hair. And whats the difference between the two?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- Black hair on white skin is the ideal indication for Lazer Epilation