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Is it normal for a 23 year female to start losing the water content of my neck's disc? and is there any final cure for it? thanks
د. Rania Mousa, الطب العام - Interestingly, even though this condition affects people starting in their twenties or thirties. Degenerative disc disease is a spinal condition caused by the breakdown of your intervertebral discs. A... إقرأ أكثر
If in MRI report, they wrote the cervical intervertebral disks are moderatly degenerated, they mean i have arthrose?? if not what does it mean? thanks
د. Ziad Tannous, جراحة العظام - cervical disk degeneration , refers to the state of the disc when it loses or starts losing its water content ,leading to a decreased height , that might lead to degenerative joint or spine arthrosis... إقرأ أكثر