زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Hi dr . i have been taking deanxit for 3years, i m verry comfy with it, no side effect.should i be worried about anything on the long term administration??
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Long-term administration of Deanxit carries the risk of dependency - so it is a habit forming drug (can lead to addiction), and stopping it suddenly will precipitate withdrawal symptoms. ... إقرأ أكثر
I've been taking deanxit for 4 months, started 3 days ago. Do the side effects get better by time?
د. Karim Farah, طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية - It depends what side effects you are talking about. You should refer to your doctor and tell him about the side effects you are experiencing and he will decide whether to stop or continue the medicati... إقرأ أكثر
I had nausea for 7-8 months with reflux not severe as the endoscopy report shows.the only medicine that helped was 2 tabs of deanxit per day.when i try to stop or decrease the dose the nausea is back.
د. Salim Saab, طب الأذن والحنجرة - It seems to be a psychosomatic problem. Psychoterapy is advised withd deanxit.
Is it okay to drink a bit of alcohol after taking 1 pill of deanxit?
د. Jinan Usta, طب الأسرة - It is not really advisable to drink alcohol when you are taking medications for "nerves" (as people say) , that is medications usually given for depression, anxiety, stress... one possible p... إقرأ أكثر
Is there any side effects / harm to using deanxit over a long period? is it addictive? i've been taking 1 pill daily for almost a year. thanks
د. Christelle Abboud, طب النساء والتوليد - Deanxit isn't addictive. But you should take care of the reason why you're taking it! and you can even try to diminish your dosage to see if you still need this treatment.
Is there any relation between deanxit and decrease of heartbeats?
د. Ali El Sayed, أمراض القلب - can be a relation. because deanxit is relaxing the patient and than the heart rate decrease, but there is no direct relation
Would taking Deanxit contribute to weight gains?
د. Jean Esso, التخدير - Yes. Weight gain is a possible side effect of Deanxit.
I take 1 pill of Deanxit daily, is there any side effect ( on my memory )?
2 إجابة
د. Khaled Bou Hamad, طب الأسرة - the memory can be affected by deanxit perhaps only by the long time of taking the deanxit and in cases when we have a disorders of the brain circulation :stroke or recent cranian traumas.