My previous results was as following; LDL Cholesterol = 118 SGPT= 396 GGT = 103 Thanks.
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- i do not think you have a serious problem. are you overweight? if yes , you have to restrict fatty diet and decrease your weight. are you on medications? if yes what are they?. it would be also good t... إقرأ أكثر
I got my blood test results and will show it to my doctor to check it. The risky exams are: LDL Cholesterol = 113 SGPT=86 GGT=104. What does it mean and what are the treatments?
2 إجابة
د. Salim Saab,
طب الأذن والحنجرة
- Only there is an increase slightly of the liver enzymes which means chemically a slight dysfunction of the liver we need to have a clinical correlation & a liver function test done before.
Is it true that most of the cholesterol in our body comes from our liver? Please explain.
2 إجابة
د. Ghassan Nawfal,
- Cholesterol is a lipid produced by the liver and has many essential body functions among which are the production of Vitamin D and sex hormones (androgens and estrogens).
Can a female 16 yo be affected with diabetes??i checked my BMI i got the normal weight stage,so if i wanna be more relaxed which blood test i should run on??same as cholesterol(both LDL&HDL)&vitD.thx!
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- Yes it's possible especially if there's family history of diabetes at a relatively young age, and here I'm referring to type 1 diabetes (occurs because of immune system malfunction wher... إقرأ أكثر