Dr karim farah, i only have chest tightness from time 2time.sometimes fatigue on exercise but no other symptoms.normal ecg and e cho.
د. Karim Farah,
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
- It might be due to asthma or stress or deconditionning. That's why you need be seen by a physician. General physician or specialist. To examine you and order more tests. Such as Spirometry.
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Can tightness of chest and shortness of breath from time to time be a sign of asthma??no other symptoms are present.
3 إجابة
د. Mirna Waked,
طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
- YES . It can be exercise induced asthma or attacks of asthma and inbetween normal lung.