I had Lazik surgery 2 years ago and i just found out that i have 1 2 myopia & 1 2 astigmatism each in different eye. What are the risks of having Lazik again? & Is this normal? Is it due to tiredness?
2 إجابة
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- A patient with this degrees of myopia and astigmatism needs to have examination and evaluation, also need to do corneal topography to decide that if possible to redo the Lasik or other options .
I have myopia and astigmatism in both eyes, can I do LASIK surgery? And can it remove all the astigmatism in my eyes? Thanks
2 إجابة
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- Yes the latest laser techniques can remove the astigmatism in your eyes. If your corneal thickness is within normal limits and you're 18 years old and above then you can do LASIK.
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