If someone's family has heart problems, how can one know that he or she has them? What are the symptoms?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- If by heart problems you are referring to coronary artery disease (CAD), or the partial or total blockage of the arteries that nourish the heart muscles, then the classical presenting symptom is known... إقرأ أكثر
Had an angine without fever. took profinal for 3 days. felt better but i did an allergic reaction skin rash the 3rd day.
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- This is most likely a viral exanthem (skin rash that accompanies a viral illness). It should fade away in a couple of days. But I'd like to ask if you're on any antibiotic? Any other symptom... إقرأ أكثر