Male 21, drinking alcohol too much recently, eating fast food and spices and sleeping 2 to 3 hours only everyday. White pimples started appearing under his eyes. What could it be? Cholesterol?
د. Rania Mousa,
الطب العام
- It could be one of two depending on the appearance. Your doctor, after seeing you, will predict the cause. One of them is linked 50% with high cholesterol and the other cause not.
1-Xanthelasma (chole... إقرأ أكثر
I drink alcohol frequently, what should I do other than eating and water recovery, so that I don't have a headache the next morning?
د. Fadi Dalati,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- It is always advised to drink in moderation. Alcohol consumption if excessive can have hazardous effects on your body with time, and great deal of damage to your liver, skin and kidneys, not to mentio... إقرأ أكثر