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18 سنوات
Why is it that some people eat a lot but don't gain weight? Does it have to do with their metabolism?
3 نوفمبر 2014

د. Nada Awada طب الأسرة
There are many explanations for this. As a doctor in my practice i see patients who say" I eat a lot but I cannot gain weight". When I discuss with them details of their diet, it turns out often that what they believe as being a lot of food isn't really that much. It is only a different pattern of eating like for example eating a snack every hour (chocolate, biscuits ,chips, etc) or so but missing main meals or eating a little at main meals. In other cases, some of the slim eaters are very active so they burn a lot of calories. Active doesn't mean necessarily professional athletes, it could be a style of people who keep moving or standing even when they are doing simple activities. Genes also have a role, exactly as we inherit our height or eye color we inherit our body build. Some diseases may cause higher metabolism, for example when the thyroid gland is over active .