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34 سنوات
What are the causes of a sore gum? How to treat it?
29 يونيو 2014

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
The causes of a sore gum are most frequently an aphtous ulcer. Treatment is symptotmatic, also fungus treatment ant-fungic.
د. Rita Mouawie الأمراض الجلدية
I would like to point out that causes to a sore gum could be much simpler than previously stated.

A sore gum could be due to gingivitis which a mildly inflammed gum. That being said most individuals have gingivitis without being aware.

This case can and will evolve into a more agressive state that is called periodontits.

What you need to do is check your dentist for teeth cleaning inorder to eliminate all inflammatory cells that are causing this state and then and only then would your dentist be able to tell you what to do next to avoid relapse