20 سنوات
What is the best sleeping position for a newborn baby ..and how can i manage my babys sleeping times and how much should i feed my baby in a day plus how many times should i give him a bath ?
20 يوليو 2014
The best position for sleep for a newborn baby is putting him on HIS BACK ,this is the new recommendation ,this is the safest position for healthy babies,If you’re worried about your baby choking on vomit, it might help to know that healthy babies put to sleep on their backs are less likely to choke on vomit than babies put to sleep on their tummies.
it is not advised to put the baby on his side or his tummy because the increase risk of sudden death syndrome ,some may say on his side but the truth that the baby might roll when on side and become on his face making him more risky to sudden infant death syndrome SIDS (it is a syndrome that affects babies in the first 3 months with no clear cause -doctors put estimated causes for this situation ,one is sleeping position .
-sleep the baby on his back
-don't put toys or bumbers in his cot when he is toosmall
-put his cot in your room in the first 6 months to put an eye on your baby
-be aware of the sleeping cover to not cover his face
-no smoking behind the baby or in his room
Newborn sleeps around 17 hours and that depends on every newborn some are more some are less but this is the average ,but this sleep is interrupted every 2-4 hours at the first weeks of life for feeding
concerning sleep and feeding program in the first weeks ,it is advisable and important at the first 6-8 weeks to listen to your baby needs, don't put programs before that ,whn he is hungry feed him ,better breastfeeding ,when he is fussy let him sleep
sleeping habits will change in the first 6 weeks every day ,he will not be the same every day and for his health feed him whenever he want and when he want to sleep let him sleep ,don"t interrupt his sleep at this stage ,he will become tired or fussy .
almost most newborns sleep most of there day and night and wake up to feed except for colic babies .
There are several tips to make your baby go ahead to have a sleep shedule afterwards
-let the baby know the day and night by lightening off the lights calming the place at night ,by this way he will start knowing or adapt himself for these patterns .
-when he start being fussy ,he is then hungry feed him if he refuse ,then he is tired want to sleep and remember to burp your baby after every feed to protect him from colic
-when you feel him sleepy put him in the bed before falling asleep if he is full not hungry ,let him sleep by his own
Concerning bath time ,unlike some parents who claim bathing the baby every day that is not good ,bath isn't really necessary more than three times a week during the first year. Bathing your baby too often can dry out her skin.
As a conclusion , in this stage of life listen to your baby needs of sleep and feed ,prepare him for the other stage where he have a good schedule ,bath him three times a week ,you can bath him if it is too hot day after day .