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24 سنوات
What are the treatments of legs varice? how to prevent it and what are the symptoms? does any appearing vein in the leg means that it's varice?
25 فبراير 2015

د. Ziad Mansour جراحة القفص الصّدري
There are many stages of varicose veins.
Each stage has its treatment.
It might start by electrode therapy for small sized veins, mainly for esthetic reasons.
Larger veins might need sclerosing agents injected through the skin.
Very large veins might need surgery, whether by complete vein stripping, or by cryotherapy, or other techniques.

To prevent progression at any stage, leg stocking (bas à varices) should be worn, and staying upright without moving should be prevented.

Medications such as veinotonics (for example Daflon) might help but won't cure.
Intimal regeneration medicines (for example Vessel Due F) seem promising.