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الصفحة الرئيسية
This might sound weird, but i am 23 years old ans my P*nis size is about 12 cm erected, is there anything or food i can eat to increase the blood flow. plus is Centrum Multivitamine Helps? .
10 مارس 2013

د. Jinan Usta طب الأسرة
what do you mean by increasing blood flow? If what you have in mind is to increase the size further, then medication or food would not help.
د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
First of all, a 12 cm penis size is more than enough to have a satisfaction for both partners.
There are multiple types of Centrum Multivitamins. Those containing Ginseng could be helpful in treating an erectile dysfunction at your age, but it can't increase penile size (neither could any other food or drug).