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23 سنوات
I want a gynecologist's & a dentist's opinions. Is it true that some teeth whitening methods can be the cause of teeth falling after getting pregnant & giving birth?
29 أبريل 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), both over-the-counter (OTC) and whitening products you buy from the dentist are mostly safe and effective.In addition, the ADA also acknowledges that whitening agents can cause gum irritation and tooth pain and sensitivity, all of which usually go away when treatment ends and can be relieved with OTC pain relievers or topical numbing gels.
BUT,other important consideration, If applied incorrectly or pushed into the gums, extreme sensitivity and soreness may result. Using the strips too often and for too long also can damage tooth enamel and lead to underlying tissue damage below the gums..
i mean whitening inits own doesnt damage but misusing it may lead to undesirable side effects, individuals can overuse whitening products because they like the results so much and keep applying layer after layer hoping for whiter and whiter teeth. When used in excess, however, teeth can become porous and enamel can break down. Just as when people bleach their hair within reason, a lightening effect changes the hair but doesn't make it break and fall out. Using too much bleach and processing for too long, however, will cause millions of stress points in the hair strands, as well as weakening at the scalp -- not to mention dryness and breakage of the hair itself. When tooth-whitening products are overused, the surfaces of teeth and the surrounding gums can be similarly weakened and broken down. Teeth can even become almost translucent rather than white, so heeding the recommendations of a dentist and the instructions for the product is advisable
and if we take in consideration in pregnant women that teeth may weaken means risk more a bit than other people that is the cause of stating that teeth may fall but that is NOT TRUE ,it is about how often and what agents you put and the drs opinion
د. Tarek Achmar الأمراض الجلدية
Perfect answer dr. Rania...
د. Maria Moukarzel الأمراض الجلدية
hey!great answer Dr Rania! indeed the whitening techniques,if assisted by your dentist are not harmful,but whenever you missuse it and abuse,it will cause many problems; as for a pregnant women,usually hormones ans body changes can lead to some kind of a transient inflammation in your gingiva taht will disappear whenever you give birth ; other links related to whitening are not correct, the precautions to take are the same whether your pregnant or not! another detail ,is that some studies showed that pregnancy can weaken your teeth by the loss of some minerals such as Calcium, but anyway don't stress about it and have always your regular check ups!have a great day !