20 سنوات
Normal skin,my face clear except for one huge pimple that appears on my nose every while.I use antibiotic cream but useless.Last time it was severe and now month later i still have red mark.any help?
16 يوليو 2014
Don’t squeeze or pick at the pimple on your nose. Although this may release some of the pus inside of it, it won’t make your pimple go away faster. In fact, it sometimes leads to infection and prevents the pimple from healing. Be careful not to use too many acne treatments at once, such as over-the-counter products along with prescription medications. Doing so will further irritate and aggravate your skin, resulting in redness and dryness.
Acne red marks can be a good sign since they appear during the time that the acne is clearing up. so as for now you may not need any treatment just protect of the triggers that recur the pimple (clean your skin every day twice especially night time from make up ,use sun protection and block to protect from UV and humidity ,...