زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
My sons testicles have not descended yet, is that of any concern?
17 مارس 2013

د. Judy Matta طب الأطفال
Doctors usually diagnose "undescended testicle" during a physical exam at birth or at a checkup shortly after.In some boys, the testicles may appear to be outside of the scrotum from time to time, which can raise the concern of an undescended testicle. Some of these boys may have the condition known as retractile testes. This is a normal condition in which the testes reside in the scrotum but on occasion temporarily retract or pull back up into the scrotum.There is no need to treat a retractile testicle, since it is a normal condition.
In other boys,the testicle may not be in a location where it can be located or palpated, and may appear to be missing. In some of these cases, the testicle could be inside the abdomen.In about half of the babies, the undescended testicles move down or descend on their own by the sixth month of life. If spontaneous descent doesn't happen by then, it's important to get treatment because testicles that remain undescended may be damaged, which could affect fertility later or lead to other medical problems.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
undescended testicle which is not in scrotum a surgical descent is to be done