زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
27 سنوات
My sis gave birth 2 yrs ago. she caught "helicobacteria".she was treated. yet she still has to eat every 3 hrs or she starts to tremble and she doesnt gain weight.all tests came clean.who shld she c?.
19 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Trembling is generally caused by an imbalance in blood sugar. When the body's blood sugar becomes too low, mild tremors can begin to occur all across the body.

Malnourishment, skipped meals and simple hunger can all cause low blood sugar. When the blood sugar remains low, children may experience tremors in their hands.

if your sister is always known to have these symptoms every time she eats and despite a healthy diet and since on the other hand she is not gaining weight it is advisable that your sister see a pediatrician to check her for diabetes and order blood sugar test and figure the problem.