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29 سنوات
My lenght is sbout 9 inch and i need to be about 12 inch like porn movies is it possible ?
20 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Ok then if you penis size is good and in average why to put at yourself a risk for such operation which will not make that much difference concerning sexual relationships ,it will only give a larger appearance .
remember that those movies most of them are exagerrated and not real and for advertising ,they are exagerrating the importance of the size which is not true in that manner ,it is a healthy penis with erection and average size the way of a good sexual intercourse no matter of bigger ,so it is advertising do not enroll in such advertisements ,you are well ,and i think a surgeon would not perform the operation for nothing .
put the risks infront of the benefits ,the risks are more then why to do

Most men will not wish to proceed to surgery when properly informed of the likely outcome and risks of complications.

The important last thing to inform you with is that :
during after suregry dividing the suspensory ligament alone results in an average increase of 0.5cm (around 0.25in) in length,
while skin advancement increases the length gain to 1.6cm (around 0.75in).

so in either ways you will not have 3 inches more .

Procedures by unlicensed surgeons can lead to serious complications