زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
31 سنوات
My kid is 2 years old;he got nerveous very quickly;he plays normally and everything is normal but get angry from silly things and shouts ; what can I do to make him get rid of this bad habbit?
30 نوفمبر 2014

د. Ivana Dabaj طب الأطفال والأمراض العصبية
First of all you need to talk to him and explain that it is not good everytime he does this, then you have several possibilities: you can put a calendar on which you draw smiley face on the day where he is behaving well and sad face on the day where he does this behavior. every 5 smileys will give him a reward (something he likes or want) while thr opposite is a punishment so for example if he likes to go to his grandma on weekends he is forbidden. Also this could be a way to draw attention therefore you should just talk smoothly with him and not shout nor give a him a lot of attention when he does this because this will make him elaborate and increase this behavior. Kids are so visual therefore the smiley thing usually works. hope this helps.