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19 سنوات
My general doctor actually gave me a sick note with depression written on it, what kind of doctor do u suggest I see and what's the difference between anxiety and depression? Thanks.
17 نوفمبر 2014

د. Nada Awada طب الأسرة
I am not sure if he wrote depression on the sick note because hedidn't find something physically wrong with you or because he thinks that you have depression.depression is a serious diagnosis where a person has no more interest or joy in doing anything, mostly he becomes socially inactive, has trouble eating , sleeping and communicating with others. Anxiety is worry which can be general as worrying constantly about everything or specific like worrying about specific situations or things.the best doctor to see if your general physician said you have no medical problem ,is a pshychiatrist.a pshychiatrist is a doctor who has specialized in psychological problems