زيارة الأطباء
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My father has a sore throat and his temperature is low, 36 Celsius, should I be worried?
6 فبراير 2013

د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
tonsillitis is a inflammation of the tonsils. it can be caused by virus or bacteria. viral tonsillitis doesnt need antibiotics, just symptomatic therapy such as NSAIDS, paracetamol, drinking fluids (specially cold because they help reduce the symptoms). however the bacterial tonsillitis needs antibiotics. if the sore throat is accompanied with high grade fever, absence of cough, white patches on the tonsils, no flu symptoms then most probably this is bacterial. so you'd better be checked by a physician to differentiate between the two.
as for the temperature that you measured, it depends on the the thermometer (electronic, mercury....) and how it was taken, the best accurate assessment is a rectal measurement. if you took it orally, the result is usually affected whether your father is a mouth breather, or if he drank cold water beforetaking the temperature....