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24 سنوات
My doctor told me that PRK is better than Lasik in his experience. Why is that? my friends who had PRK in 10 years are wearing glasses today! this is normal? and, can a person redo a PRK or Lasik?
29 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Photo refractive keratectomy (PRK) is a type of laser eye surgery designed to correct vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. PRK came before another laser procedure called laser-assisted-in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK), but PRK is still performed frequently and regularly today. LASIK has the same overall effect as PRK,it is just a slightly different way to correct vision. Both surgeries work by changing the shape of the cornea.
sometimes due o certain consideration one procedure is preffered on other one ,for example PRK a better choice for people whose eyes meet certain criteria, such as having thin corneas or chronically dry eyes,Some patients may not be the best candidates for LASIK, and PRK (flapless lasik) may be recommended. Situations when PRK is preferable include: thin corneas, corneal scars, corneal shape irregularity
Both surgeries are safe and effective and carry a very high rate of patient satisfaction. Choosing between PRK and LASIK is a decision best made in consultation with a trained eye doctor who specializes in laser eye surgery. The good news is that history has shown that whichever you choose, you’re likely to be very pleased with the outcome.
concerning complications ,every individual is a specific case different than the other ,it may not be because of the procedure but because certain conditions or the doctor himself that this procedure for some people failed and wear eyeglasses again ,it may also different before 10 years ago ,the patient vision might have been still unstable before the procedure .
SO rely on what your doctor recommend to you or ask other ophthalmologists to check your eyes to be satisfied ,PRK might have longer healing time than lasik but it may not be suitable for you ,but the most important that both have similar results concerning vision correction .