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24 سنوات
My doctor subscribe me duphaston 10 mg for my absent of my late period... should i wait few more days or should i get the medicine ?
26 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Duphaston is the brand name for dydrogesterone, which is a synthetic hormone that is very similar to progesterone. Progesterone is one of the main female sex hormones, along with estrogen, that is involved in the reproductive cycle. Duphaston is used to treat and regulate hormonal imbalances--specifically, progesterone deficiency.

Every month, levels of progesterone rise in a woman's body.
As a result of this hormonal increase
If a woman ovulates and the egg is fertilized, then the levels of progesterone stay high.
If the egg isn't fertilized, the body begins to produce less progesterone and bleeding, or menstruation occur .

So duphaston acts like progesterone and therefore thickens the lining of the uterus and so the doctor prescribe it for you ,you will take it for 5-7 days and then stop this stopping will cause progesterone drop and thus bleeding menstruation after about 2-3 days .

However ,if the doctor prescribe it for you then he had make all the necessary investigations for your late period and a pregnancy test for sure ,so if all tests are done and the doctor prescribes it ,then you can take it why not to take ,you are inducing your late period .

Now ,if your period is not late enough ,you can wait but not necessary since your doctor done all the necessary steps before prescribing ,but as i said if you are still worried or concerned you can wait for some days and start duphaston that is up to you .