زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
3 أشهر
My dauhter is 2 Months & 4 weeks is making green poop & before it was liquid & yeĺlow for 2days. we traveled a day before that could it be a reason? is it normal? note she's exlusively on breast milk
14 يناير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
These changes in color and consistency in the stools are still within normal, and it may happen from time to time that the color and consistency change a bit, this is OK as these changes reflect that the gut is maturing. A rule of thumb is that the "normal" range of stools  in a healthy infant is yellow-orange-green or any combination of these, and the color results from bile (the green digestion fluid secreted by the gall bladder), gut bacteria (the good bacteria that is), and digestive enzymes.
So long as your daughter is:
not febrile,
feeding well, active and playful,
you see no blood in the stools,
or she's not stooling way more frequently than usual (with breastfeeding you should expect a bowel movement after each feed) or the stools are not too watery,
you have nothing to worry about.