زيارة الأطباء
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31 سنوات
My daughter 19 month old have afever of 38.2, and not symptomes of flu exist, this fever might be caused of canine teething? and should i gave her panadol
30 يناير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Teething in and by itself does not produce fever, she may be cooking a viral illness and most probably symptoms will manifest soon. If she's active, does not seem in pain or fussy, and playful, there is no need to administer anti-pyretics (whether Panadol or Profinal/Advil) and we usually reserve those to temperatures above 38.5 C. So monitor her temperature (preferably use the digital rectal thermometer) for the time being; should she seem lethargic. feed poorly or have decreased urine output, contact her pediatrician without delay. Otherwise wait out for 48 hours: should the fever escalate or persist, have her seen in her pediatrician's clinic.