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الصفحة الرئيسية
4 أشهر
My baby is 4 mos and it's been 2 days she's sleeping more than usual. Yesterday she ate @ 7pm slept @ 8:30 & barely woke up @ 7am to eat slept 8:30 woke up 11 ate & slept back @12. No fever. Normal?
16 فبراير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Though a decrease in oral intake and excessive sleepiness in infants may point to a health problem, it does not always have to be the case. It happens sometimes that a healthy baby sleeps more than usual and has a decrease in oral intake, but this should not persist for too long. A couple of questions come to mind: has she received any vaccines in the past couple of days? Has she been exposed to someone who is ill, like an older sibling? Is her nose stuffy? (which may impede feeding as babies are obligate nose breathers, thus if their noses are blocked they cannot eat).
The absence of fever is reassuring. Other subtle signs to look at include:
1- Inconsolable crying and irritation
2- Decreased playfulness and physical activity (or lethargy in extreme cases)
3- Decreased urine output
For the the time being I recommend watchful waiting, monitoring fever, and looking out for the 3 signs mentioned above. Should she continue to sleep too much and not eat well, a visit to the pediatrician's office becomes a must.