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30 سنوات
My 8 months old baby sleeps 11 hrs at night but during the day he only naps for 30 mins twice a day,is it normal to catnap only? is there any way to make him have longer naps?
22 مايو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Your baby requirement for sleep at this age is about 12-14 hours (sleeping for example 11 hrs and 2 naps by one hour at day, but every baby is unique and he may be satisfied with the hours(11 hours+ 1 hour nap =12 hrs) he spend them sleeping .if you child is growing well ,has a good apettite ,eating well ,then nothing to worry about not everything is a rule for all babies .Babies are different .He is normal
But if you want him to nap more or change his sleeping habit ,then you may schedule his day ,a fixed time to wake to eat to nap to eat again and then nap and then eat then sleep ,all in a fixed time and schedule then he will by time be adapted on this routine
remember during nap time to offer a quiet and calm place to extend his nap.