زيارة الأطباء
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Je veux vous demander s'il ya un traitement qui me rend capable d'avoir 2 ovualtions par mois....dans le but d'avoir deux jumeaux? je note que j'ai une regle bien regle , j'ai 28 ans
18 مارس 2013

د. Julien Lahoud طب النساء والتوليد
Multiple pregnancies and twin pregnancies are high risk pregnancies.
With more complications and a higher risk of premature birth.
If the twin pregnancy comes from one ovocyte ( monozygotic ) is rare. Less then 1%.
As for dizygotic pregnancy it is the outcome of the fertilization of 2 ovocytes at the same time. It is more frequent and it's number is rising due to ivf and ovarian stimulation.
I would suggest, that in the absence of fertility problems you let go of this desire. It is not benign. It would put you and eventually your babies at risk.
If you have history of twins in the family your chances are higher.