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20 سنوات
I've been suffering from constipation since a week .. today I woke up suffering from diarrhea .. Is there something that I can do?
3 أغسطس 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
The most likely explanation to what you are experiencing is that during the period where you had constipation, stools accumulated along your intestines (what we call fecal loading), after which your intestines dumped all their content all at once (I assume you passed large amounts of soft stools followed by small amounts of loose stools).
What might have lead to this? Most likely irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is accondition that happens because of a functional (not organic) disturbance in the bowels, mainly referred to inadequate control of bowel movements (peristaltic movements) by the nervous system controlling the gut. IBS is characterized by altered bowel movements (a dominating constipation vs diarrhea, or an alternation between the 2),bloating, chronic abdominal pain (usually located to the left lower part of the abdomen), attacks of abdominal pain precipitated by food intake and partially relieved by defecation. Onset of symptoms is usually in the early 20s. Symptoms are brought up or worsened by physical or emotional stress- so for example lack of sleep could lead to bloating and constipation.
Diagnosis is based upon patient history, physical examination, and absence of other causes.
Treatment is basically supportive, focusing on a high fiber diet which plays a double role: in constipation it creates a bulk of stools that retains water in the intestines and softens stools; in diarrhea the fiber bulk hardens stools. Other measures include medications that increase intestinal motility (like motilium) and that can help in relieving bloating. Exercise is also encouraged as the contraction of abdominal muscles enhance the motility ofthe iintestines.