زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
20 سنوات
I've been smoking hookah for a couple of years now and for the recent month i've been feeling that my throat is swollen but no symptoms show, i just can feel it, what could it be?
4 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
You might have one of two possibilities :

>>Either the hookah is a cause of your swollen throat and the cause would be
- a burn form steam inhaled hookah or
-an allergic reaction to an ingredients in it (which could be built up through the two years or being new allergy due to a change in hookah you used to it usually .

>>or you have a swollen throat because of another cause that doesn't originate from hookah and hookah exacerbate the condition like seasonal allergies ,or hay fever,asymptomatic tonsillitis ,or any other cause ,..
Hookah has hot steam which can cause worse burns than hot coffee or tea or any hot liquid. I would first like to let you know that a mild case of throat burn is treated similar to as Sore Throat and it heals pretty fast.
in any way :
1.DO NOT overcool the casualty; this may dangerously lower the body temperature.
2.DO NOT remove anything sticking to the burn; this may cause further damage and cause infection.
3.DO NOT touch or interfere with the injured area.
4.DO NOT burst blisters.
5.DO NOT apply lotions, ointment, or fat to the injury.
6. Have not too cool or not warm milk shakes and banana or apple juice.
7. Do not take any solid food or anything hot and spicy for next 12 hrs.
8. Have lots of semi-cool to room temperature water.
9.you can use maxilase medicine to reduce inflammation and swelling

IF YOU HAVE ANY DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING YOU MUST CONTACT THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY Burns in throat are very dangerous most of the times , as they cause rapid swelling and inflammation of the air passages. The swelling will rapidly block the airway, giving rise to a serious risk of suffocation. Immediate and highly specialized medical assistance is required.