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Is there any way to stop drooling while sleeping?
23 أبريل 2013

د. Judy Matta طب الأطفال
The drooling of saliva while sleeping is due to the habit of sleeping without proper closure of mouth. This can be due to:

-Sleeping position where your mouth is in a dependent position ( i.e sleeping on your stomach) then saliva can easily seep out of your mouth onto the pillow.If you sleep on your back, this should resolve the problem
-Drooling can be a sign of a sleep apnea (if you have a lot of snoring, breathing pauses, and daytime sleepiness). In this case, you have to check with your physician for your sleep apnea.
-Treat any nasal obstructions or allergies that cause you to sleep with your mouth open.
-Treat any dental infections because it can trigger excessive saliva production while sleeping.