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45 سنوات
Is there any risk on my kids if my cat didn't get vaccinated since a year?
21 أكتوبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Of course the risk of transmission of zoonotic infections (infections that can be passed from animals to humans) increases if the pet's vaccination schedule is not up to date. These infections are acquired when an individual gets bitten or scratched, or comes into contact with an animal's waste products, saliva, or dander (flakes from hair, feathers, or skin). Pets may also get ticks and fleas in their fur, and these insects can carry diseases.
Here are some tips to safely care for pets:
• Always wash your hands, especially after touching your pet, handling your pet's food, or cleaning your pet's litter box unless they are supervised, and again, hands should be washed afterward.
• Wear gloves when cleaning up after an animal's waste
• Do not allow your children to kids to kiss or touch your pet with their mouth or put their fingers in the pets' mouths and then put their dirty fingers in their own mouths because infections can be transmitted by saliva. Also, don't let them share food with the pet.
• Keep your pet's living area clean and free of waste. If your pet eliminates waste outdoors, clean up waste regularly and don't allow kids to play in that area.
• Don't allow pets in areas where food is prepared or handled, and don't bathe your pet or clean aquariums in the kitchen sink or bathtub. Wash your pet outdoors.
• Avoid strange animals or those that appear sick.